Read Kenneth Copeland’s devotional for today here. You will learn to use the weapon of Faith as you journey through life daily. From Faith to Faith Devotional provides you with insight that corresponds directly to the word of God. You are sure to begin to live a life that is enviable and adorable to God’s glory.

Kenneth Copeland Daily Devotional
Kenneth Copeland Daily Devotional

The Topic of Kenneth Copeland’s Devotional for 6th April 2023 Is “Sorrow Not ”

Key Scripture:  Isaiah 51:11

The redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and [grief] shall flee away.

Click Here to Read Yesterday’s Devotional by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland


Did you know that as a believer you’ve been redeemed from the curse of grief and sorrow by the blood of Jesus Christ? You don’t have to put up with them any more than you have to put up with sin or sickness or disease.

God started teaching me about this personally several months before my mother went home to be with Him in August 1988. Every time He’d show me something about it, I’d put it into practice. (You ought to do that with anything God is teaching you. Start practicing it now, and you can walk in it when the time comes!)

So, eight and a half months before my mother left, I began standing against grief and sorrow. I made a decision to “sorrow not.” Immediately the devil began to attack my emotions.

But I’d say, “No. I won’t receive that. I take authority over these feelings in Jesus’ Name. I’ve given my body as a sacrifice well-pleasing unto the Lord, and I won’t partake of anything but His joy.” Then I’d start speaking the Word and praising out loud.

I went through three rugged days of resisting until those sorry spirits were gone.

What I’m telling you is this: You’re going to have to stand against grief and sorrow. It doesn’t belong to you. It’s not from your heavenly Father. You may have to walk the floor all night long. But instead of worrying and crying, walk the floor and quote the Word until that heavy spirit leaves and the joy of the Lord comes.

Remember who you are. You’re the one who shall obtain gladness and joy. You’re the one sorrow and grief shall flee away from. You are the redeemed!

 Scripture Reading: Psalm 97

Kenneth Copeland Daily Devotional is Written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the senior Pastors of the Eagle Mountain Church aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries (www.Kcm.Org). The devotional is written with the help of the Holy Spirit to inspire and ignite a deep longing to steadfastly live a life of Faith…Read More

Kenneth Copeland Ministries Official Website: https://www.Kcm.Org/

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