Calvary Temple Church Complete Profile & Latest Information
All important details about Calvary Temple Church. Calvary Temple Church is a Bible- Believing church that believes in the Trinity God, Water Baptism, and are passsionate about shining the light according to Matthew 5:14. The ministry also passes accross the message of salvation through their inspring music band. The church is presided over by Del and Cindy Way.

This Blog post is a complete profile of Calvary Temple Church, located in Kerrville, Texas. It provides information about the church’s history, including its founding, growth, and current leadership. It also includes details about the church’s programs and events calendar, as well as how to become a member of Calvary Temple Church. The write-up discusses the church’s mission statements and guidelines, which guide its multi-denominational approach to spreading the message of Jesus Christ.
It also shares information about the church’s social media presence, its music ministry, and its affiliated ministries. You will find topics that enlightens you about the church. Overall, this write-up provides a comprehensive overview of Calvary Temple Church and its mission to spread the light of Jesus Christ.
History of Calvary Temple Church
Who is the founder of Calvary Church?
Del and Cindy are the lead pastors of Calvary Temple Church in Kerrville, Texas. In July 1986, When Del Way was young, he preached to 12 people under a big oak tree in Kerrville, Texas. After that, Calvary Church started to grow. At first, they met at the Y.O. Hotel and their motto was “Have altar; will travel.” Later, they moved to an office space where they had to keep changing venue because more people were coming to church. Then, God helped them find the land where they built their current auditorium without any debt.
They had their first service there in 1994. Calvary’s story is still unfolding, and they are excited to see what God has planned for them in the future. Pastor Del loves also loves making Christian music. He has made more than 19 albums as a singer and songwriter. Del and Cindy both really love Jesus and use this love to create a friendly church community.
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Calvary Temple Church Statistics
- FOUNDING DAY: Calvary Temple Church was founded in the year 1994
- NUMBER OF MEMBERS: The Calvary Temple church has an average global attendance of 4000+ weekly.
- HEADQUARTERS: The headquarters is Located in Kerrville, 3000 Loop 534 Kerrville, Texas 78028
- FOUNDER: The founder of Calvary Temple Church is Pastor Del and his Cindy Way.
- CURRENT LEADERS: The current leaders of the Calvary temple Church are, Pastors Del and Cindy Way.
Calvary Temple Church Leadership
Pastors Del and Cindy, are the Lead Pastors of Del and Cindy Way.
- Del and Cindy Way
Del Way is a Christian singer who combines modern country style with his music. According to his bio on his ministry’s website, he has written and recorded many songs, each with a special message that touches and transforms people’s lives. In addition to his successful music career, Del is also the pastor of Calvary Temple Church in Kerrville, Texas.
Calvary Temple Church Programmes / Events Calendar
Stay- up-to-date with Calvary church events and program calendar for this year.
- Wednesday Midweek Service
- Elevate Camp for high school students only; Retreat For high school students
- WAVE group launch: Widows Achieving Breakthrough Everyday
- Merch
- Sunday Services
How to be a Member of Calvary Temple Church?
Calvary is a FAMILY of believers with one purpose in mind, to be all that God wants them to be. Are you a first-timer, seeking for a Spiritual Family to connect and grow in Christ? Join the Calvary Temple Church, Click here to Navigate for a location.
The Calvary Temple Church is a principled church with some guidelines such as:
• You must be born again. (John 3:5-8)
• Be earnestly seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:2-4)
• Be baptized in water. (Matthew 28:19)
• Accept the Bible as the infallible Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
• Maintain a Christ-like lifestyle. (Romans 6:1-4; 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 6:14)
• Become a student of the Word of God. (2 Timothy 2:15)
• Develop a daily prayer life. (Ephesians 6:18)
• Share the gospel with others. (Mark 15:15)
• Live in expectation of the return of the Lord Jesus for His own — “The Rapture of the Church.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)
Calvary Temple Church Mission Statements
Calvary Temple Church Mission: The Ministry’s Mision Statement is gotten from, Matt 5:14“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” — Matthew 5:14
As a beaming light dispels the darkness, so Calvary Temple Church will shine the light of Jesus, both in our community and beyond, in order to show God’s love to the lost.
Calvary Temple Church Social Media Handles and Contacts
Join Calvary Temple Church on social media and be a part of the vibrant online community! Stay updated with the latest news, events, and insights from Calvary Temple Church, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for Christ.
Calvary Temple Church Music
Calvary Temple church is a church that likes to worship Jesus and is thankful for the gift of salvation to mankind. They care a lot about worshiping in a real and honest way, love their local community, and want to help spread God’s love all over the world.
Pastor Del way is the lead singer and founder of the Del Way Musical Band
Calvary Temple Church Ministries, and Affiliations
1. Calvary Children ministry
This program is fun and interesting. Kids learn about the Bible using puppets, games, songs, and crafts that are right for their age. They hear stories from the Bible and learn an easy verse every week that they can remember on their own. This helps them understand that Jesus loves them and always will.
2. Adult Ministries
This Ministry comprises of the Youth, Men and Woman Ministry.
- The Women’s Bible Study nurtures, encourages, and equips believers as they grow in faith.
- The Men’s Fellowship passionately pursues God’s call for them as the head of their family.
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