The Church of God Missions Complete Profile & Latest Information
All important details about the Church of God Missions. The Church of God Mission International is a Christian denomination and a megachurch originating from Nigeria. The church was founded by Archbishop Benson Idahosa. The Church of God Mission International Incorporated originated through a divine calling from the Holy Spirit to Archbishop B.A. Idahosa. He was instructed to raise an army to spread the gospel worldwide, equipped with the fire of the Spirit, teaching, preaching, and healing as they go.

This provides a comprehensive overview of the Church of God Mission International, a Christian denomination and megachurch originating from Nigeria. The history of the church, its leadership, vision, mission, and affiliations are discussed. The headquarters of the Church of God Mission International is located in Benin City, Nigeria.
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Who is the founder of The Church of God Missions?
The Church of God Mission International traces its origins back to 1962 when it started as a small prayer group called Calvary Fellowship on Ivbizua Street, off Mission Road. In 1965, it was officially inaugurated by Rev. Edgar Perkins. Later, in 1968, Rev. Perkins released Benson Idahosa from the Assemblies of God to oversee the prayer ministry, and the fellowship relocated to No. 26, Forestry Road, Benin City, under Pastor Benson Idahosa’s leadership. The membership steadily grew, prompting Pastor Idahosa to embark on a church-building ministry, culminating in the establishment of Church of God Mission Iyaro.
The primary focus of the Church of God Mission was evangelism, engaging in street evangelism and open-air crusades, resulting in the growth of the church and the establishment of new churches wherever the gospel was preached. In 1973, the Archbishop laid the foundation for Miracle Centre on airport road, Benin City, which was dedicated in 1975.
As the ministry continued to expand, Faith Miracle Centre auditorium was built to accommodate the increasing number of converts. Additionally, the Archbishop received a divine call to build a stadium-sized auditorium in Australia, known for its seating capacity of over twenty thousand people, and it became the first stadium church in Africa, dedicated in 1986.
Over time, the Church of God Mission International established various infrastructures to fulfill its mission, including the All Nations for Christ Bible Institute for pastoral education, Word of Faith Group of Schools from pre-Nursery to Benson Idahosa University, and Faith Mediplex Group of Hospitals.
Throughout its growth and achievements, the church has been led by visionary and spirit-filled leaders, including Archbishop B.A. Idahosa and currently by Archbishop M. E. Benson-Idahosa, who continue to maintain and enhance the ministry’s impact. The Church of God Mission International now extends its presence to all parts of Nigeria and around the world, striving to produce spiritually, mentally, and physically whole individuals in service to God and humanity.
- FOUNDING DAY: Church of God Mission International was founded in 1962.
- MEMBERSHIP: Today Church of God ministries include more than 7 million members in 178 nations and territories.
- HEADQUARTERS: The headquarters of the Church of God Mission International is located in Benin City, Nigeria, West Africa.
- BRANCHES: The church has Over 6000 branches globally.
- FOUNDER: The founder of CGM Int’l is Rev. Edgar Perkins.
- CURRENT LEADERS: The church is currently under the leadership of Archbishop Margaret Benson Idahosa.
Church of God Mission Leadership
The leadership of the church among other Cardinals includes;
- Archbishop Margaret Benson Idahosa – Presiding Bishop.
- Tari Hudson Ekiyor – Global Bishopric Coordinator.
Church of God Mission Programme / Events Calendar
Stay- up-to-date with the Church of God Mission (CGM) events and programmes calendar for this year;
- Prisons ministration.
- Hospital ministration.
- Television programmes.
- Helps (charity) etc.
How to be a Member of Church of God Mission
The membership of the Church of God is composed of Christians who have accepted the teachings, doctrines, and government of the Church of God, and who have been formally received into its fellowship pursuant to the guidelines established by the International General Assembly.
Kindly visit the church nearest to you to begin your membership journey.
CGM Social Media Handles and Contacts
Church of God Mission embraces the power of social media to expand its outreach and connect with its global community. Discover our various social media handles and contact information below, emphasizing our online presence and channels for seamless communication. Through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, we reinforce our commitment to spreading the message of faith, love, and transformation using technology. Stay connected and informed on our digital journey by following our social media handles and contacts.
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Church of God Vision, Mission and Believes
Vision Statement
“Building people into leadership, with a global passion, deeply rooted in Christ.”
Through the process of our four cardinal points
- Right Living
- Team Work
- Evangelism
- Prayer
Our Mission Statement
Evangelizing the lost for their total transformation spirit, soul and body, developing them into leaders.
Church of God Mission Beliefs
- We believe that the Holy Bible in its entirety is the inspired word of God and the only infallible rule of faith conduct.
- We preach Christ’s birth, works, teachings, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, second coming, millennial reign, white throne judgment, new heaven and new earth
- We believe in the Divine Trinity. II Cor. 13:143
- We believe in Repentance toward God. Acts 3:194
- We believe in Restoration. Lk.19:8, 9.5
- We believe in Justification and Regeneration. Jn. 3:36
- We believe in Sanctification (holiness). I Thess. 4:37
- We believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and in the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Acts) and other gifts listed in I Cor. 12 and Romans 12.8
- We believe in divine healing and that healing is included 9in the atonement.
- We believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as literal and visible as His first ascension to heaven. Acts 1:9-11
- We believe in Eternal Heaven and Eternal Hell. Rev. 14:10-11
- We believe in monogamy and that marriage is binding for life, (Mk.19:9) and if the unbelieving partner departs, I Cor. 7:15 applies.
- We believe in water baptism by immersion. Acts 8:38, 39.
- We believe Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper and so should be observed. I Cor. 11:23-24.
- We believe in tithing to prove God’s power in supply. Mal. 3:7-10.
The Church of God Missions International Affiliate Ministries
The Church serves as a mother entity to some other ministries as follows;
- Christian Women Fellowship International (CWFI) Led by Archbishop Margaret Benson Idashosa.
- Christian Fellowship International (CFI) the arm of the Ministry that focuses on students in institutions of Higher Learning. It is the Campus outreach arm of Church of God Mission International (CGMI). It was gracefully founded by the renowned Archbishop Benson A. Idahosa – the man of faith. CFI started in the 1990/91 academic session at the sports complex of the University of Benin.
- Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF)
- Agape Force Ministry (AFM) also known as the teenagers ministry.
- Special Vocational Bible School
- Joseph’s Store House
The Church runs Benson Idahosa University.
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