United Denominations: Lighthouse Group of Churches Complete Profile & Latest Information
All important details about Dag Heward Mills Ministries. Dag Heward Mills is the founder of the United Denominations: Lighthouse Group of Churches, (formerly Lighthouse Chapel International). The goal of his ministry is to construct 25,000 churches across 150 countries, vigorously engage in battles that promote the advancement of the churches and the Gospel, cultivate devoted Christians who actively serve God, and ultimately, gain entry into heaven and receive commendation from Jesus with the words “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
This write-up is a complete profile and the latest information on the United Denominations: Lighthouse Group of Churches, formerly known as Lighthouse Chapel International, founded by Dag Heward Mills. It contains the history of Dag Heward Mills Ministries, its humanitarian work, its current structure, its branches and members, and the influence of Dag Heward Mills’ ministry.
It also discusses Dag Heward Mills’ leadership, including his background, his writing, and his ability to motivate people to pursue ministry work. The article emphasizes the mission of the United Denominations: Lighthouse Group of Churches, which is to spread the Gospel and to nurture devoted Christians who actively serve God, with the ultimate goal of gaining entry into heaven and receiving commendation from Jesus as “good and faithful servants.”
History of Dag Heward Mills Ministries
Who Is the Founder of Lighthouse Chapel International?
Dag Heward Mills is the founder of the Lighthouse Chapel International whose mission involves building 25,000 churches and establishing a presence in 150 countries, vigorously engaging in all battles for the advancement of churches and the Gospel, nurturing radical Christians who actively work for God, and ultimately, gaining entry into heaven and receiving praise from Jesus as “good and faithful servants”.
The Qodesh, their headquarters, is situated in Accra, Ghana, and Bishop Heward-Mills, a renowned evangelist, has taken the gospel to many remote locations in Africa through his Healing Jesus Campaign. He is also the author of 30 books, including the best-selling Loyalty and Disloyalty, with six million copies in print in eight languages.
The church is involved in humanitarian work through their Help the Helpless charity, which seeks to aid the blind, prisoners, the poor, the sick, and widows. They also operate The Lighthouse Christian Home orphanage and The Lighthouse Christian Mission School, a primary school managed by Lady Rev. Adelaide Heward-Mills, the bishop’s wife. Additionally, they have the Anagkazo Bible School that trains individuals for ministry. With over 1200 branches in 61 countries worldwide, Lighthouse Chapel International is rapidly becoming one of the largest denominations globally.
Dag Heward-Mills is a Healing Evangelist. Having trained as a medical doctor, Dag dedicated his life to serving God in 1991 and has since then remained steadfast. His multifaceted ministry has impacted countless lives worldwide.
The Lighthouse Chapel International is currently identified as the United Denominations: Lighthouse Group of Churches (UD-OLGC). According to Wikipedia, UD-OLGC is made up of several denominations, over 3,500 churches, 2 Archbishops and 108 Bishops across three continents. Heward-Mills is the presiding Bishop of UD-OLGC.
UD-OLGC is present in 94 countries across all habitable continents, a testament to Dag’s commitment to spreading the gospel. Over the past 30 years, his work has included building churches, training pastors, aiding the needy and infirm, writing and producing music, speaking at conferences, mentoring young people, and leading massive evangelistic campaigns in many nations.
Dag Heward-Mills’ influence has reached the highest levels of leadership, having been welcomed by presidents, chiefs, and other world leaders, leading several to accept Christ personally. His teaching and writing style are highly regarded for their candid and straightforward approach, earning him widespread admiration.
Dag Heward Mills Ministries Statistics
FOUNDING DAY: Dag Heward Mills Ministries was founded in the year 1988
NUMBER OF MEMBERS: Dag Heward Mills Ministries has an average attendance of 50,000+Members Weekly
HEADQUARTERS: The headquarters is located in Accra, Ghana
BRANCHES: The UD-OLGC has over 1200 branches in 61 countries worldwide
In 1989, Dag Heward-Mills obtained his medical degree from the University of Ghana Medical School, and during his time as a medical student in 1988, he founded the Lighthouse Chapel International. He was ordained into the ministry at Victory Church in London in 1990 and was consecrated as a bishop by the International Ministerial Council of Great Britain in 1996. Heward-Mills is a dynamic individual who serves as an apostle, evangelist, pastor, teacher, and prophet.
His unique ability to motivate individuals to carry out ministry work is noteworthy. As of present, the church he established has over 2000 branches in 79 countries globally. Heward-Mills has trained more than 1852 pastors, 879 lay ministers, and 487 missionaries, and has also constructed 441 church buildings throughout the world.
Having authored 45 best-selling titles, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ books have sold over 10 million copies and are available in 30 different languages. His writing style is simple, yet captivating as he delves into various significant and fascinating aspects of the Christian journey. Following the anointing to teach bestowed upon him by God, he established the Anagkazo Bible and Ministry training Center in 1997, aimed at inspiring everyday people to pursue ministry work.
Heward-Mills founded the National Association of Charismatic and Christian Churches (NACCC), Ghana, in 1999 and currently serves on the board of Church Growth International, South Korea, and the executive advisory committee of the Pentecostal World Fellowship. In his efforts to advance the Kingdom of God, he established several projects such as First Love church and Leadership International, focused on reaching the next generation, especially in second and third-cycle institutions, to spread the Gospel worldwide. He also has a multifaceted ministry outreach to prisons, orphans, and the sick.
Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is happily married to Adelaide Heward-Mills and they have been blessed with four children.
Dag Heward Mills Ministries Programmes / Events Calendar
Stay- up-to-date with Dag Heward Mills events and programs calendar for this year.
Healing Jesus Evangelistic Campaign
As the head of the Healing Jesus Evangelistic Campaign, Dag Heward-Mills leads a ministry that spreads the message of Jesus Christ worldwide through massive evangelistic crusades featuring healing, miracles, signs, and wonders. These crusades have reached hundreds of thousands of people across the globe, from Africa to Europe and South America.
The primary goal of these crusades is to fulfill the scripture in Matt 25:35-36 by presenting the full gospel through powerful preaching, divine healing, free medical outreaches, distribution of clothing to the underprivileged, and free distribution of books to all converts and local pastors. Below are some images from various cities and towns where the Healing Jesus Campaign has made an impact.
The Anagkazo Bible And Ministry Training Centre
In 1996, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, the leader of the Lighthouse Chapel International Denomination, founded the Anagkazo Bible & Ministry Training Centre (ABMTC) with a strong desire to equip young men and women for ministry work, as stated in Ephesians 4:11-12. The founder’s vision for the school is that it remains solely a pastoral training institution and never transforms into a secular establishment, either in part or in whole.
Initially, Anagkazo began as a one-year part-time bible school, and the first graduation ceremony took place in November 1997, with 12 students. The school later progressed to a two-year full-time program before expanding to a four-year course in 2006, which led to its temporary name change to Christ Missions Academy, before returning to its original name, the Anagkazo Bible & Ministry Training Centre.
The name “anagkazo” comes from the Greek word meaning “compel” (Luke 14:23), and our students are trained to compel, necessitate, entreat, and constrain the unsaved to enter into the kingdom of God.
In November 2008, the first batch of 45 students graduated from the four-year program, and in November 2009, another batch of 67 students were awarded their certificates. Anagkazo Bible School has grown in reputation over the years and is now an international hub for pastoral and missionary training, with over 800 full-time residential students from Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, and beyond.
Anagkazo graduates are recognized for their passion for soul-winning and church planting, and their aim is to see the Gospel proclaimed to all people. By attending Anagkazo, students can develop and fulfill God’s calling on their lives. The current training program spans three years, and the school provides an environment to nurture and develop the potential of future pastors and leaders.
Dag Heward Mills Ministries Mission Statements
The Mission; of the Ministry of Dag Heward-Mills is to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ by taking the message of salvation to all peoples of the world.
The Vission; The vision of the ministry is to make sure members realize their God-given purpose to propagate the Gospel
Dag Heward Mills Ministries Social Media Handles and Contacts
If you follow the social media handle of Dag Heward Mills you can stay informed about the latest news, events, and valuable insights from the church. Furthermore, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other devoted individuals who share your passion for Jesus Christ.