Dunamis Christmas Service, December 25 Th 2023 with Dr Paul Eneche
”Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit”. Matthew 1:18
Good Tidings to you! Welcome to the season of Love and Happiness, when families come together to reunite and be bound in love with one another, as they celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. The entire Dunamis Family is not left out of the celebration. They have gathered to rejoice and praise the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Shalom!

Dunamis Sunday Service Programme/ Schedule
With the good news of the birth of Christ and its significance to Christians, Join Dunamis International Christian Centre every Sunday in December as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and get acquainted with the essence of the Birth of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. The Savior is born! HOPE HAS COME!
The first Service starts at 6:00 am.
Dunamis International Gospel Centre is a dynamic Pentecostal Christian Church. She is known for her 100,000 seating capacity auditorium known as the Glory Dome. The Church is presided by the founder, Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche. Dr. Paul Enenche, upon God’s divine instruction, named the ministry Dunamis International Gospel Centre.
To experience God’s presence on this beautiful Christmas Eve Sunday morning, Click the link below to Join Dr Paul and Becky Eneche for an upsurge in God’s Presence.
You are Watching Dunamis Int’l Christmas Service
WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2024 (From all of us at Christianevents.com.ng)
Get Set for the New year 2024 by joining the 2023/2024 Crossover Service December 31st here
Dunamis International Gospel Centre is a dynamic Pentecostal Christian Church. She is known for her 100,000 seating capacity auditorium known as the Glory Dome. The Church is presided by the founder, Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche. On May 28, 1996, in the small town of Jos, Nigeria, It started as a young doctor Paul Enenche was at a crossroads of his life. He could relocate to London to be with his beautiful wife, also a doctor; he could visit a prestigious university abroad to step up his medical qualification; or, if he wanted to stay in Nigeria, he had two attractive medical appointments open.………Continue Reading