New Month Prayers, Messages and Wishes for Family and Friends

1. Here’s sending you warm wishes for the New Month. May your barn be full. May your life swim in goodness and mercy. May the works of your hands be fruitful. May you be favoured by God and man. Happy new month.

2. As you journey through this month, may your life attract favour, goodness and kindness. May you remain fresh like a tree planted by the river side. May you receive renewed vigour to face and overcome life’s challenges. Happy new month.

3. Welcome to a brand new month. May all your expectations for this month be met. May the month yield forth it’s blessings and goodness to you. Nothing negative shall come near you. Happy New Month, my dear.

4. Congratulations! Welcome to the new month. In this month, you shall dominate every challenges, you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above and not beneath. Your joy shall be full. I wish you a very blessed month ahead.

5. Welcome to the New Month. Every lost opportunity shall be regained. Every lost territory shall be reclaimed. You shall get double for every lost glory. No more struggling as you will be graced with the anointing of ease. Happy New Month, dear.

6. This New Month shall bring with it fresh hope and new beginnings for you. I wish you peace, love, prosperity and joy. May the blessings of this month surpass all of your expectations. Happy New Month.

7. In this new month, you will have many reasons to be thankful and your mouth will be full of laughter. I pray for a bigger and better you. Happy New Month.

8. I’m glad and super excited we made it to the new month. Life’s challenges will not overcome us. As we press forward, may we break new frontiers and conquer new territories. Happy New Month.

9. In this new month, I pray for unusual insight and uncommon excellence for you. May you have the touch of gold so that all you lay your hands upon shall prosper. Here’s wishing you a happy and blessed month.

10. I wish you a Happy New Month devoid of your worry, stress and sorrow. Conceive greatness and achieve it because nothing shall be impossible for you this month. Have a beautiful one.

11. May the wind of this month blow in goodness alone. May negative vibes be far away from you. Keep your dancing shoes close because you will dance throughout this month. Happy New Month.

12. There shall be showers of blessings for you. Your hopes and expectations will not be dashed. You will have reasons to be grateful and your joy shall be full. Have a splendid new month.

13. May you be inspired to reach for excellence and go for gold. The world is at your feet, subdue and dominate it. Happy New Month.

14. Welcome to the new month, beautiful human. May the grace of God abound upon your life. Your life shall radiate with the goodness of God. Be of good cheer, darling. Happy New Month.

15. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of this new month. You will enjoy open doors and better opportunities. The disappointment of the past months will be forgotten. Have a blessed month.

MORE: Happy New Month Prayer Messages

16. This month, you will be surrounded with destiny helpers. You will be helped beyond your understanding and you will achieve your goals faster than expected. Happy New Month.

17. The path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter, therefore expect a better and brighter month. Expect promotion, expect progress, expect acceleration. Do have a great month ahead.

18. You have waited so long for this month. Here you are. May it be every thing you hoped for and much more. Happy New Month of all round celebrations.

19. It’s a brand new month. Hit the ground running. Dream big, aim high. Be positive, be happy and above all, trust God. Everything will be fine. Happy New Month.

20. All your efforts this month will be crowned with astounding success. When you look around you, you will see love and favour at work. Your head will be lifted and you will trample all your enemies. Wishing you a happy New Month.

21. The Lord will be with you throughout this month, to guide and support you. He will encourage you and make all crooked paths straight. He will protect you and cause you to be honoured. Have a fantastic month.

22. Ease into the new month in grand style. God has your back. He will defend you and fight all your battles. Stay blessed and have a happy New Month.

23. Throughout this month, you will not lack anything good because the Lord shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. Have a glorious New Month.

24. Your life is a blessing to us all and I particular am glad to have you in my life. Keep your dreams big and chase them until they become reality. The world is yours to conquer. Happy New Month.

25. Welcome to your season of prosperity, your season of greatness and abundance. As you enjoy God’s abundant blessings, may you never forget Him as your source. May He hold your hand and continue to lead you on the right way to go. Happy New Month.

26. Wear your best smile, this month promises to be a roller coaster of blessings, peace, joy and favour on all sides. Happy New Month.

27. Look ahead and see the bundle of testimonies awaiting you in this New Month. Enjoy the incredible feeling the new month brings. Have a fantastic one.

28. Keep getting better, keep going higher; forward ever, backward never. Happy New Month.

29. May this new month usher in blessings money cannot buy. Rejoice and be glad for your case is settled. Happy New Month.

30. Dance into the new month, your case is settled. It is your season of greatness and good tidings. Have a beautiful month.

31. Receive the grace to overcome whatever challenges that may rise against you this month. May you come out victorious. Have a fantastic new month.

32. Take your smile with you everywhere and everyday of this month. Something good is cooking and you will testify. Have a happy month.

33. The tide is turning, things are getting better for you. All things are working for your good and lines are falling in pleasant places for you. Happy New Month.

34. May this month see you accomplishing all your dreams. May all of your heart desires be satisfied. May you be victorious over all of life’s challenges. Happy New Month.

35. Your days shall be filled with sunshine and your nights will be as calm as moonlight. Your heart desires will be satisfied. Happy New Month.

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