NSPPD Live Today 17th October 2022 with Pastor Jerry Eze.

(Please scroll down for live NSPPD and also for Streams of Joy Devotional for today)

It’s time for New Season Prophetic Prayer and Declaration (NSPPD) With Pastor Jerry Eze. Join this powerful morning prayer today.

NSPPD LIve today
NSPPD LIve today

NSPPD, New Season Prophetic Prayer and Declaration just as its names, is a daily morning prayer and worship service With Pastor Jerry Eze. It holds every Monday to Friday.

Time: 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Each day. Ministering: Pastor Jerry Eze and other Ministers of God. Please click the play button below to watch NSPPD for today live now.

 You are watching NSPPD Live Stream Now With Jerry Eze.


Topic: PRAY ON
Focal Scripture: Acts 12: 5
“Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.”
That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.
When James was taken by Herod, no mention was made of whether the church prayed for him or not. Herod took James, and beheaded him, and there was no record of resistance in the place of prayers. Herod took Peter, and the church arose in prayers. Peter was not even praying for himself in prison, he was even sleeping, but the church arose in prayers and interceded until negativity turned back.
Friend, if there be a ‘Herod’ that has taken your ‘Peter’ into prison, arise in the place of prayer and wage war until that negativity is reversed. Prayerfully wage war against every negativity that is brewing. Pray against that health challenge that suddenly arose. Pray against that evil wind that has arisen in your family, marriage, career, business, ministry, finances, etc. Prayerfully wage war against the gates of hell that are raised against you.
Peter may have been too discouraged to pray in prison, he may have been too lazy and defeated to pray, but there were men and women who took it upon themselves to pray until something happened. There may be hopeless situations around you, there may be defeated people around you, there may be situations that seem final around you, but God is counting on you to wage war through your prayers until negativity bows.
The church may have made the mistake of accepting the verdict of Herod on James, but they revolted in prayers when it was Peter’s turn. Now is the time to revolt against every negativity through your prayers. Say no to that tide of evil that has arisen in the lives of people around you, in your city/nation, etc. Rollback every evil cloud through your prayers. Stop the enemy in his tracks. Blot out every satanic enchantment.
Remember, the church prayed, and the wishes of Herod were halted. The church prayed, and negativity was rolled back. Arise in prayers, and negativity will be rolled back supernaturally.
James 5: 16 says: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Declare With Me: As I arise in prayers, every negativity will be rolled back, in Jesus’ name!


Streams Of Joy International fondly called Streams of Joy (SOJ) is a Pentecostal and charismatic church, located in Nigeria. The Ministry is presided by Pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze (JERRY EZE). Streams of Joy International is a church made up of people from many ethnic backgrounds and nationalities with over 5,000 worshippers on Sunday mornings and her expressions in different parts of the world. Read more…

Remember you can always get information on the NSPPD and other Christian events like this on the CHRISTIAN EVENTS website.

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