NSPPD Live Today 7th November 2022 with Pastor Jerry Eze.

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It’s time for New Season Prophetic Prayer and Declaration (NSPPD) With Pastor Jerry Eze. Join this powerful morning prayer today.

NSPPD LIve today
NSPPD LIve today

NSPPD, New Season Prophetic Prayer and Declaration just as its names, is a daily morning prayer and worship service With Pastor Jerry Eze. It holds every Monday to Friday.

Time: 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Each day. Ministering: Pastor Jerry Eze and other Ministers of God. Please click the play button below to watch NSPPD for today live now.

 You are watching NSPPD Live Stream Now With Jerry Eze.


Topic: Divine Judgement
Focal Scripture: Acts 12: 18-19
“18. Now as soon as it was day, there was no small stir among the soldiers, what was become of Peter. 19. And when Herod had sought for him, and found him not, he examined the keepers, and commanded that they should be put to death…”
That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.
After Peter’s escape from prison, Herod sought for Peter; and when there was no way to find Peter, he turned against the keepers of the prison and commanded that they be put to death. The keepers of the prison where Peter was kept, were rewarded with death. They played a role in the confinement of Peter, and they paid with their lives. The sword of divine vengeance turned against those who kept Peter in prison.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: all those who conspired against you will be judged by the sword of the Lord. Every evil hand that has been lifted against you will be rewarded with divine judgement. Every man that has been positioned to make a mess of your destiny will receive the same slap that ended the destiny of Herod. Every man using his position to oppress you will be visited with the judgement of the Lord.
Peter was a divine project, He was God’s property, He had heaven’s mandate on his life, and those who helped to keep him in prison were put to death. Hear me as I hear the Lord: you are a divine project, and you will not be abandoned by the Lord. Any man who seeks to truncate the journey that heaven has called you into, let the sword of the Lord be stretched forth in their direction, and let their habitation be desolate.
Notice that Herod himself was not left out. In a few verses after our Scripture Reading, he was slapped by an angel and he gave up the ghost. An angel led the charge for Peter’s release, and an angel led the charge for Herod’s decease. Go and announce to every Herod that is positioned against you: you will escape and they will go down. You will increase and they will decrease. You will be released and they will be deceased.
Do not fret on account of the ‘Herod’s of this world and their ‘soldiers’. As surely as the Lord lives, every evil hand that is stretched against you will receive the sword of the Lord.
2 Thessalonians 1: 6 says: “Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;”
Declare With Me: The sword of the Lord will be wielded against my adversaries and opposers, in Jesus’ name!


Streams Of Joy International fondly called Streams of Joy (SOJ) is a Pentecostal and charismatic church, located in Nigeria. The Ministry is presided by Pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze (JERRY EZE). Streams of Joy International is a church made up of people from many ethnic backgrounds and nationalities with over 5,000 worshippers on Sunday mornings and her expressions in different parts of the world. Read more…

Remember you can always get information on the NSPPD and other Christian events like this on the CHRISTIAN EVENTS website.

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