The Men of Issachar Vission Inc Church Complete Profile & Latest Information
All important details about The Men of Issachar Vission Inc Church. Men of Issachar Vision is a christian organization committed to awakening the Church to its responsibility to humanity, reaching out to the lost and equipping them with the knowledge of the Word of God. The Ministry is presided over by Rev. Samson & Rev Stella Ajetomobi.

This write-up is a comprehensive profile of The Men of Issachar Vision Inc Church, a Christian organization founded in 1989 by Rev. Samson Ajetomobi with a mission to awaken the Church to its responsibility to humanity, reach out to the lost, and equip them with the knowledge of the Word of God. The focus is on revitalizing the church’s responsibility, particularly through its leaders, and the ministry achieves this through various events such as the Ministers Leadership Conferences, Alone With prayer retreats, Family Life Conferences, Back To Bethel Retreats for women, and Campus Leaders Repositioning meetings.
The blog post provides information about the church’s history, its founder, the statistics, leadership, programs/events calendar, and how to become a member of the church.
History of The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. Church
Who is the founder of The Men Of Issachar Church?
The Men of Issachar Vision Inc. is a Christian Community founded in 1989 by Rev. Samson Ajetomobi. The goal of the ministry is to encourage awareness of the church and missionary work given that we are all living in critical times, and the church has an important role to play. Like the men of Issachar from the Bible, who understood the situation of their time and what Israel needed to do, The Ministry wants to inspire the church to do the right things.
“and of the Children of Issachar which were men that had the understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do….” 1 Chronicles 12:32 (KJV).
The focus on awakening efforts revolves around revitalizing the church’s responsibility, particularly through its leaders. The approach to achieving this goal includes the coordination and hosting of various events such as the Ministers Leadership Conferences, Alone With prayer retreats, Family Life Conferences, Back To Bethel Retreats for women, and Campus Leaders Repositioning meetings.
The Ministry is We are currently doing missionary work in many countries including Benin Republic, Brazil, Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Liberia, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, The Gambia, Tanzania, Togo, the UK, and the USA.
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The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. Church Statistics
- FOUNDING DAY: The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. was founded in the year 1989
- NUMBER OF MEMBERS: The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. has an average attendance of 1000+ weekly.
- HEADQUARTERS: The headquarters is located at Olororo, Ojoo, Ibadan
- BRANCHES: The church is resident in Ibadan, from where it carries out its outreach missions to several nations of the world.
- FOUNDER: The founder of The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. Church is Rev. Samson and his wife Stella Ajetomobi
- CURRENT LEADERS: The current leaders of The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc Church are, Rev Samson and Stella Ajetomobi.
The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. Church Leadership
Reverend Samson and Stella Ajetomobi are the lead pastors of The Men of Issachar Vission Inc. BElow are a few things to note about them.
- Rev Samson and Stella Ajetomobi
Rev Samson Ajetomobi is based in Ibadan, Nigeria. He travels a lot around the world to preach, teach, and train church leaders. He loves doing missionary work and has written several books such as Not Offended, Running Well, and The Light Bearers.
Rev Samson strongly desires to reach the unreached people and save their souls, no matter what it takes. Through his ministry, he has helped many people understand the importance of living for God. He is a Public speaker at conferences, crusades, and revivals. He is also a leader in several Christian organizations and mission agencies due to his leadership skills.
Rev Stella Ajetomobi is an experienced woman of God who has been supporting her husband in ministry since the beginning. After working as a food technologist with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), she answered the call to full-time ministry in 1997. She holds a master’s degree in personnel psychology.
Rev Stella has been blessed by the Lord with the gift of teaching and prophecy. She is passionate about teaching and preaching about Christian character, discipleship, and missions. She has written several life-changing books, including Dressing for Your Destination, Solitude, and Bridging the Gap.
Rev Stella hosts Back to Bethel Retreats, a specialized retreat for ministers’ wives, women in leadership, and elect ladies at different locations. She is also the coordinator of Divine Well Global Foundation.
The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. Church Programmes / Events Calendar
Stay- up-to-date with The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. church events and programs calendar for this year.
- Blessing for the week
- International Ministers & Leadership Conference
- Godly Women Conference
- Leadership Up Date
- Prayer Conference
- National Mission Conference
- Family Life Conference
- Back To Bethel Retreats for women
How to be a Member of The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. Church?
If you’re interested in joining or strengthening your connection with God through The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. Church, there are opportunities available for both members and newcomers. Becoming a member of the church can provide you with a sense of belonging and community, as well as opportunities to connect with others who share your beliefs and strengthen your faith.
To join The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc, kindly locate the church nearest to you. Click here to Navigate for a location.
The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. Church Mission Statements
The Men of Issachar Vission Inc. Church is Passionate about reaching out to the lost and re-awakening passion for Christ in the heart of men.
The men of Issachar Vission Inc. Mission; The mission of the Ministry is to do whatever it takes to reach out to the unsaved, those who haven’t heard the gospel.
In addition to sending missionaries to different fields, They also work to mobilize people and resources, promote mission opportunities and events, recruit and train new missionaries, research and identify unreached people groups, and organize mission conferences. Additionally, they establish schools in needy communities and participate in medical missions to support literacy efforts.
The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. Church Social Media Handles and Contacts
Get involved with the lively online community of The Men of Issachar Vission Church by following them on social media. You can stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and insights from the church. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with other individuals who share your passion for Christ.
The Men Of Issachar Vission Inc. Church Ministries, and Affiliations
1. Mission Fields
The Men of Issachar Vission Inc, actively send individuals and groups beyond geographical boundaries to engage in evangelism, education, hospital work, and other activities for the sole purpose of sole winning and establishing in faith

2. Redemption Faith Church
The Men of Issachar Vision INC’s church arm comprises several centers which include:
- Missions and Leadership Academy; The Men of Issachar Vision Inc. established a mission school in 2004 to train and ordain missionaries for field work, inspired by the passions of Rev. Samson Ajetomobi’s belief that “No Army Parades the Untrained Solders”.
- Research and Survey; While on missions, the Research and Survey department is responsible for investigating and discovering facts, revising and establishing theories, and developing a plan of action based on the information gathered. The ultimate goal is to reach the remaining unreached people groups of the world in alignment with our vision.
- Literacy Mission; The mission school of the Men of Issachar Vision Inc. established in year 2004 on the passions of Rev. Samson Ajetomobi “No Army Parades the Untrained Soldiers” and the need to ordained missionaries to the fieldwork.
- Medical Mission; This Involves sending individuals and groups beyond borders, typically geographical borders, to engage in evangelism, education, hospital work, and other activities.
3. Divine Well Ministry
Divine Well Global Foundation is a non-profit organization that offers a comprehensive range of support to underprivileged children in communities worldwide, with a focus on disadvantaged areas. This support encompasses social, educational, emotional, economic, and other aspects. The foundation was established in 2006 and officially registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission on January 19th, 2011.
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