Transformation Church Complete Profile & Latest Information
All important details about Transformation Church. Transformation Church is a Church big on Excellence, Honor, Worship and deep reverence to God. The ministry is pasionate about representing Christ to both the lost and found. The ministry is presided over by Pastor Mike & Nathalie Todd.

This blog post is a complete profile about Transformation Church, a non-denominational, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural church located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. The write-up provides details about the church’s history, leadership, programs, beliefs, and culture code. It also highlights the mission and vision statement of the church, as well as its social media handles and contacts. The church is known for its passion for excellence, honor, worship, and deep reverence for God. It is presided over by Pastor Mike and Nathalie Todd, who took over the leadership of the church in 2015 from the founder, Bishop Gary L. McIntosh. The write-up also provides information on how to become a member of the church and stay updated with its events and programs.
History of Transformation Church
Who is the founder of Transformation Church?
Gary L. McIntosh is the founder of Transformation Church. The Transformation Church located in Tulsa, OK, has been under the leadership of Pastors Michael and Natalie Todd since February 2015. Bishop Gary McIntosh, the founding pastor, entrusted them with the church’s leadership after it had been operational for 15 years. By Inference, the church was founded in the year 2000.
The couple’s personal philosophy and passion revolve around re-presenting God to those who are lost and found, with the goal of transformation in Christ. Their vision is to spread the gospel in a relevant and progressive manner to their community, city, and the world.
Transformation Church is a non-denominational, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural ministry located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As a 21st-century technological church, it embodies the radical and diversified spirit of its founder. TC’s mission is to empower the community on the north side of Tulsa by re-presenting the Gospel. Pastor Gary and Debbie have dedicated the last 17 years to investing in the community and assembling a thriving team to ensure the church remains a beacon in the neighborhood.
After several years of grooming and training, Pastor Gary selected a new, young pastor to lead Transformation Church into its next season. Pastor Michael Todd now holds the position of Lead Pastor, with Pastor Gary serving as the Oversight Pastor.
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Transformation Church Statistics
- FOUNDING DAY: The Founding Day of The Transformation Church was not stated on its website, however, Pastor Mike stood over leadership in 2015
- NUMBER OF MEMBERS: Transformation Church Has an average global attendance of 50,000+ Weekly
- HEADQUARTERS: The headquarters of Transformation Church is located at 10441 S Regal Blvd, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
- FOUNDER: The Founder of The Transformation Church Is Pastor Gary L. McIntosh
- CURRENT LEADERS: The current leader of the Transformation Church is, Pastor Mike & Nathalie Todd
Transformation Church Leadership
Pastor Mike & Nathalie took over the leadership of Transformation Church in 2015.
Mike Todd is a highly successful author, with his book “Relationship Goals” being one of the best-selling books in the United States of America, he has authored several books, and shares his faith and knowledge through various mediums such as songs, YouTube channel videos, sermons, podcasts, and more.
Due to his impact, Mike Todd has become an icon of faith for the younger generation. Since taking over, Bishop Mike Todd and his wife have been dedicated to transforming the church. One of their initiatives has been to create a dedicated channel for podcast videos, with a focus on reaching a younger audience.
Natalie Todd got married in 2010. Over the past 12 years, they have built a successful relationship and have become an example of a strong and supportive couple. They empower each other in both their personal and professional lives.
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Transformation Church Programmes / Events Calendar
Stay- up-to-date with Transformation Church Events and programs calendar for this year.
- Sunday service
- Pop Up event
- The DIG (Deeper in God)
How to be a Member of Transformation Church?
Becoming a member of Transformation Church can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience for those interested. Joining this community offers a sense of belonging and camaraderie, opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests and beliefs, and a platform to deepen one’s spiritual principles.
To join Transformation Church, kindly locate the church nearest to you. Click here
Transformation Church Beliefs/ Culture Code
The ministry adheres to a set of core values that serve as non-negotiable principles. These values act as filters for leaders’ decision-making process and help establish and maintain the desired culture. It is expected that all staff, leaders, and members embody these attributes in their daily lives and apply them to all aspects of their work for the glory of God.
- T R A N S F O R M A T I O N.
- L O V E
- F A I T H
- G E N E R O S I T Y
- S E R V I C E
- W O R S H I P
- E X C E L L E N C E
- D I S C I P L I N E
- R E L A T I O N S H I P
- H O N O R
- F U N
Transformation Church Mission & Vission Statement
The Transformation Church is committed to Re-Present God to the lost and found for transformation in Christ. They are a multi-church, Meaning they are multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multi-plying, and multi-campus.
Transformation Church Social Media Handles and Contacts
Stay connected with the vibrant online community of Corner Stone Church by following them on social media! Stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and spiritual insights from Cornerstone Church, and engage with individuals who share your passion for Christ. By following their social media accounts, you can stay connected no matter where you are.
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Transformation Church Ministries, and Affiliations
- Formation Internship
At Transformation Church, The mission is to reveal purpose, unlock potential, and equip leaders to represent God to the lost and found for transformation in Christ. This hands-on internship program is specifically designed to enhance your skills and develop you as a leader within our church community.
- Global Missions
The Ministry holds missionary outreaches across diverse locations
- Transformation Church Outreaches
- Transformation Kidz
- Transformation Church Volunteers
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