Winners Chapel Prophetic Focus and Recommended Books of The Month April 2024.
All through this year, we shall be exploring relevant spiritual forces to position us for Fortune. Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of April 2024 is… Kindly See Theme Below;

Read the April 2024 Epistle (prophetic focus) by Bishop Oyedepo to All Winner’s chapel churches all over the world.
Fortune 2024 greetings to you all in Jesus’ name.
I strongly believe that we have all received a fresh release of the spirit of servanthood that will enable us to keep serving God and the interest of His kingdom all through the days of our lives, thereby keeping us under the blessings of an open heaven, and may the encounter of each one continue to keep us on the path of acceptable stewardship all through the days of our lives in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
But what is the Holy Ghost saying for the month of April 2024?
On the 26th August 1987, while away on a mission trip to the United States the Holy Ghost instructed me saying, “Get back home and make my people rich”.
This is why I believe that the subject of financial prosperity is not just a doctrine in this commission, but a divine mandate. I have no doubt that ever since this mandate was delivered, innumerable multitudes around the world must have been brought out of the dungeon of poverty, lack, and want into realms of financial fortune to the glory of God.
However, as we are all aware, the world is presently facing the worst global economic challenges in history. But God has a plan in place to exempt His people as He did for the Israelites in the land of Egypt. It was recorded that things were so bad in those days to the point that people willingly offered themselves for sale just to have food to eat. While Egypt was facing severe famine and economic meltdown, Israel was divinely exempted from the economic woes of the time. – Gen. 47:15-27
This goes to establish the fact that God will always exempt His people in the time of trouble – Is. 43:1-2
We saw another graphic illustration of exemption in scriptures, where prophet Malachi called God’s people back to covenant practice of tithing and offering, so as to keep the windows of heaven opened for continuous supplies and to rebuke the devourer for their sakes. He further spoke of economic woes that shall be coming upon the earth, but that God’s covenant people shall be supernaturally exempted from being affected – Mal. 3:6-18/ Mal. 4:1-2
From the two instances here listed, God is committed to exempt His covenant people from these hard times.
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of April 2024 is:
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of April 2024 is: In the Days of Famine, I shall be Satisfied – Ps 37:18-19.
All through this month, we shall be exploring the secret of supernatural blessings in hard times. We must all therefore get spiritually set to access the realms of financial fortune this month, that will keep speaking all through the remaining days of our lives.
May we all receive grace to be steadfast in our covenant practice of seed time and harvest, so that we shall begin to enjoy financial favour that will differentiate us from the rest of the world – Deut. 8:18.
- Understanding Financial Prosperity.
- Breaking Financial Hardship.
- Covenant Wealth.
- Hidden Covenants of Blessing.
(All these titles are also available on, Amazon store and Apple online store)
Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo
The living Faith Church aka Winners’ Chapel is an international church with branches across over 4 continents. The Ministry is presided by Bishop David Olaniyan Oyedepo. In 1999, the BBC reported that Faith Tabernacle was the largest church in the world with respect to how many worshipers it can seat. It has a seating capacity of over fifty thousand people. The largest church in terms of size is Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. Read more…