Winners Chapel Prophetic Focus and Recommended Books of The Month January 2024.
All through this year, we shall be exploring relevant spiritual forces to position us for Fortune. Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of January 2024 is… Kindly See Theme Below;

Read the January 2024 Epistle (prophetic focus) by Bishop Oyedepo to All Winner’s chapel churches all over the world.
What is the Holy Ghost saying for the great month of January 2024?
- Adam and Eve were living wonders in the garden of Eden until they lost face with God through sin and were driven out of the garden into the wilderness — Gen. 2:15-17/Gen. 3:1-10/24
- Abraham remained on God’s side for a hundred years and he lived as it were in a kind of garden of Eden all through — Gen. 22:1-18/ Gen. 25:7-8/ Isa. 51-1-3/GaI. 3:13-14/29
- Moses a most renowned prophet of all times remained on God’s side and was made a God unto P h ara o h and d om in ate d Egypt supernaturally — Exo. 3:7-10/ Exo. 7:1/ Deot. 34:7/10-12
- Nehemiah a cupbearer, turned governor by getting on God’sside— Neh.1:1-14/Neh. 2:1-9/Neh. 5:14
- Gideon became a one-man army of Israel by getting on God’s side — Judges. 6:1-16/judges. 7:1-17
- Peter, the leading apostle of Christ chose to be on God’s side for life and became a wonder to his world, we saw his shadow healing the sick and setting the oppressed free — Lux 5:1-8/11/ that. 16:17-18/Act. 5:15-18
- Paul, a giant of giants in the gospel lived under a vow to remain on God’s side till his very old age he was an apostle of special miracles, who also wrote about half of the New Testament — 1 Cor. 9:16-17/Act. 19:8-12/14-20/Phm. 1:9
Being on God’s side is a kind of heaven on earth experience, because heaven is the throne of God, which makes believers more than conquerors on earth — Isa. 66:1/Eph. 2:6/Eph. 1:20-21/Rom. 8:35-39.
Note that there are no defeats in heaven no matter how bitter the battle — Psa. 24:7-8/Rev. 12:7-12
God’s side is the ever-winning side, the laughter side of life — Isa. 64:1-3/Psa. 2:1-8/2 €or. 2:14
Also, because God is light, being on His side dispels all the works of darkness — )hn J-b-5/9/ Lux 22:S5/1)hn 1:5
Futhermore, being on God’s side is the strong tower of believers — Psa. 91:1-16/Pro. 18:10
But righteousness consciousness, an undying crave for sanctification and continuous exercise unto godliness are fundamental requirements for remaining on God’s side and making it to heaven at the end of the day — 2 Cor. 5:21/ 2 Tim 2:19-21/
Being on God side simply means walking in the fear of God and by the dictates of scriptures, which keep believers on the flourishing side for life
— Amos 3:3/Psa. 37:18-19/ Rom. 8:31
The ultimate cost of not remaining on God’s side is the loss of one’s place in eternity because to gain the whole world cannot be compared to losing one’s soul — Mat.7:21-23/NIat. 16:26/1€or. 15:19
May we all receive grace not only to get on God’s side but to remain there all through life — 1 Cor. 15:10/ Heb. 4:16
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of January 2024 is: Who is on the Lord’s Side? – Exo. 32:26.
- Walking in the Newness of Life
- Conquering Controlling Powers
- The Blood Triumph
Remain ever blessed.
(All these titles are also available on, Amazon store and Apple online store)
Remain ever blessed. Jesus is Lord!
Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo
The living Faith Church aka Winners’ Chapel is an international church with branches across over 4 continents. The Ministry is presided by Bishop David Olaniyan Oyedepo. In 1999, the BBC reported that Faith Tabernacle was the largest church in the world with respect to how many worshipers it can seat. It has a seating capacity of over fifty thousand people. The largest church in terms of size is Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. Read more…