Winners Chapel Prophetic Focus and Recommended Books of The Month January 2025.
Winners Chapel Prophetic focus, theme of the month and recommended books for January 2025. Read and dowbload below.
From: Apostle over the Liberation Commission
To: All Mission Stations
Subject: January 2025 Prophetic Focus
Date: January 4, 2025
New Era greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.
We truly serve a God of times and season, who makes all things beautiful in His time. Without any doubt, the year 2024 was an awesome year culminating with Shiloh 2024 which attracted the highest participation since inception all to the glory of God.
But the good news is that, God has reserved better things for us in the year 2025 and we shall not miss it in Jesus’ name. Amen!
What then is the Holy Ghost saying concerning us in the Winners’ family for the month of January?
We understand that every item in the market is available for purchase and possession, but at a cost.
All of our inheritance in Christ is available to whosoever is interested, but at a cost– Act.20:32/ Is. 5:13
For example, God wants every believer to be healthy, but it is at a cost of feeding on the Word and putting the Word to work by believing – 3Jn 3:2/ Pro. 4:20-22/ Mat. 7:24-25
Secondly, Christ has given us all things that make for life and godliness, but they are delivered at the cost of obedience of faith – 2 Pet. 1:3/ Luk. 1:48
Even salvation, as free as it is, is only accessible at the cost of repentance – Rom. 6:23/ Act. 2:37-38
Surely, nothing of value is ever free; everything of value carries a definite cost – Pro. 23:23/ Luk. 6:46
We also understand that it takes spiritual empowerment to experience the reality of a new dawn, but one cannot be empowered without a spiritual renewal because new wine must be put into new wine skin and this demands prayer and fasting – Luk. 5:37-39/ Mat. 5:8
Furthermore, as we all know, every commandment of Scriptures is for our profiting – 2Tim. 3:16-17/ Heb. 4:2
The following are the benefits that we draw from prayer and fasting – Isa. 58:6-14:
- Spiritual renewal is the core benefit from the altar of prayer and fasting – Isa. 58: 6-14
- Spiritual empowerment – Isa. 58:6/ Isa. 10:25-27
- Outbreak of revelation – Isa. 58:8-10/ Isa. 60: 1-2
- Strength, health and vitality – Isa. 58:8/ Psa. 107:20/ Pro. 4:20-23
- Express answers to prayers – Isa. 58:9/ 1Jhn. 5:14-15/ Rom. 8:26
- Continuous guidance – Isa. 58:11/ Isa. 48:11/ Psa. 23:1-6
- Supernatural breakthroughs – Isa. 58:14/ Deut. 28:1/ Mat. 5:13-14
- Generational impact – Isa. 58:12/ Psa. 112:1-3/ Psa. 22:30
Note that spiritual renewal is the core of the core of the blessings from the altar of prayer and fasting.
Interestingly, 7 out of the 8 verses of Isaiah 58:6-14 has to do with spiritual renewal.
- Every supernatural transformation stems out of spiritual renewal – Rom. 12:1-2/ Eph. 4:22-24
- As it is written: To be spiritually minded is life and peace – Rom. 8:6
All through the month of January, we shall be engaging the mystery of prayer and fasting to access new realms of empowerment that will result in speedy fulfilment of the ‘New Era’ Prophetic Agenda for the year 2025.
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of January 2025 is:

Recommended books authored by David O. Oyedepo include:
*Winning Prayer
*Satan Get Lost
*Anointing for Breakthrough
Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo
The living Faith Church aka Winners’ Chapel is an international church with branches across over 4 continents. The Ministry is presided by Bishop David Olaniyan Oyedepo. In 1999, the BBC reported that Faith Tabernacle was the largest church in the world with respect to how many worshipers it can seat. It has a seating capacity of over fifty thousand people. The largest church in terms of size is Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. Read more…