World Changers Church International Complete Profile & Latest Information
All important details about World Changers Church International. The World Changers Church International (WCCI) is a non-denominational church located in Atlanta, Georgia. For over thirty years, WCCI has been a leader within the local, national, and international community, providing simple, practical teaching and understanding of the Bible. The ministry is presided over by Pastor Creflo & Taffi Dollar.
This write-up is a complete profile of World Changers Church International, a non-denominational church in Atlanta, Georgia, presided over by Pastor Creflo & Taffi Dollar.
It includes information about the history of the church, its founder, and its growth. The article also provides information about the leadership of the church, including the founders’ biographies. Additionally, the write-up shares statistics about the church, such as its average global attendance and headquarters address.
Delve in to discover more about the World Changers Church International
History of World Changers Church International
Who is the founder of World Changers Church International?
Pastor Creflo Dollar is the founder and lead pastor of the World Changers Church International.
Located in College Park, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta, World Changers Church International (WCCI) was founded by world-renowned author, conference speaker, and Bible teacher Creflo Dollar. For over thirty years, WCCI has been a leader within the local, national, and international community, providing simple, practical teaching and understanding of the Bible. Since its establishment in 1981, Dollar’s simple approach has enabled the ministry to experience phenomenal growth and a global reach.
Creflo Dollar received the vision of WCCI while attending West Georgia College, in Carrollton, Georgia, as an undergraduate student. While there, he started a Bible study and was led to name it “World Changers Bible Study.” The teachings captivated students, as they were finally able to understand the Word and begin to find answers to life’s challenging questions. Word of his dynamic teaching spread throughout the campus like wildfire, and the Bible study grew to over one hundred students. It was through these Bible studies that Creflo Dollar met Taffi Bolton. Their friendship grew, and they were married in December 1986.
Due to his diligence and commitment, Creflo was commissioned by God to begin a local church and become its pastor. The first service of World Changers Ministries was held in 1986 in the cafeteria of Kathleen Mitchell Elementary School—with eight people in attendance. As a child, Creflo had been the first black male to integrate Kathleen Mitchell Elementary, so starting his ministry there added significance and sentiment. Within two years, the cafeteria could no longer hold the growing congregation. The ministry began its search for a new location, and in 1988, they acquired the former Atlanta Christian Center Church in College Park.
The ministry continued to grow at a rapid pace until four services were required each Sunday to accommodate the membership, which by then numbered more than 10,000. In 1991, the ministry embarked upon a tremendous journey of faith, deciding to build a new sanctuary without utilizing any bank financing or loans. Several miracles and four years later, World Changers marched into the 8,500–seat World Dome, a magnificent domed facility that had not only been prayed for, but was also fully paid for! The debt-free construction of the World Dome exemplifies one of the cornerstones of the teaching at World Changers Church International, as members are taught to apply biblical principles in their lives, just as the ministry did in its early days.
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World Changers Church International Statistics
- FOUNDING DAY: The World Changers Church International was founded in 1981
- NUMBER OF MEMBERS: World Changers Church International Has an average global attendance of 50,000+ Weekly
- HEADQUARTERS: The headquarters of World Changers Church International is located at 2500 Burdett Road College Park GA 30349 … Atlanta, Georgia.
- FOUNDER: The Founder of The World Changers Church International Is Pastor Creflo Dollar
- CURRENT LEADERS: The current leader of the World Changers Church International is, Pastor Creflo & Taffi Dollar
World Changers Church International Leadership
Pastor Creflo & Taffi Dollar are the lead Pastors of WCCI
Creflo Dollar is a founder and senior pastor of World Changers Church International (WCCI). He’s a world-renowned Bible teacher, sought-after conference speaker, and bestselling author with hundreds of books, CDs, and DVDs in distribution worldwide. Recognized for his cutting-edge revelation and humorous, pragmatic approach, he enables thousands to experience grace, restoration, healing, and financial breakthrough by applying simple, biblical principles to their lives. He is the author of such game-changing books as The Radical Life of Grace and Why I Hate Religion, and his award-winning Changing Your World television broadcast reaches nearly 1 billion homes. His ministry includes an app available on mobile devices and smart TV’s, a dedicated YouTube channel, and the Changing Your World Network, a 24-hour online channel. A thriving social media presence has allowed him to connect with World Changers worldwide.
Taffi Dollar is a founder and senior pastor of World Changers Church International (WCCI). She’s a globally-renowned entrepreneur, business and spiritual leader, best-selling author, teacher, and motivational speaker. By blending timeless values, fresh perspectives, and a tireless, hands-on work ethic, Taffi advocates for gender equality, unity, the alleviation of social stigmas, and the overall empowerment of people everywhere. She’s the author of the revolutionary books, Gender Roles and The Grace of Mutual Submission, and has a thriving international community invested in spreading equality throughout the world, boosted by her social media presence and dedicated YouTube channel. She’s founded non-profit organizations to promote unity and sisterhood, and reach women involved in the adult entertainment and sex trade industries, and is also CEO of Arrow Global Entertainment, a cutting-edge, faith-based entertainment company.
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World Changers Church International Programmes / Events Calendar
Stay- up-to-date with World Chnager Church International Events and programs calendar for this year.
- Sunday Service
- Lemon Bliss
- Men’s Fellowship
- Mother’s Day Service
- Change Experience: Miami, FL
- Change Experience: Charlotte, NC
- Father Son Brunch
- Grace Life Conference
- Back to School
- Women’s Fellowship
- Singles Conference
- MENtality Conference
- Ministers and Leaders Conference
- Fall Festival Outreach Event
- Feeding Families Outreach Event
How to be a Member of World Changers Church International?
Joining Transformation Church can be a satisfying and gratifying experience. A sense of belonging and companionship, the opportunity to meet people with similar interests and ideas, and a platform to explore one’s spiritual values are all provided by joining this group.
To join World Changer Church International, kindly locate the church nearest to you. Click here to fill the online membership form.

World Changers Church International Beliefs/ Culture Code
World Changers Church International beliefs in the following; They Belief;
That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He was crucified, died, and was buried. On the third day, He rose from the dead, and later ascended into heaven, where He remains at the right hand of God Almighty.
That after death, eternal life continues either in heaven or hell, based on your decision to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. That when the Rapture occurs, the dead in Christ will rise first, and then those who are alive and remain (those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior) will be caught up to meet Him in the air.
- The Bible was written and inspired by God.
- Faith is a practical response to the Word of God.
- In water baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- In the authority of Jesus’ name.
- In the indwelling and baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
- In divine healing—the restoration of health to those who believe and act on the truths written in God’s Word. We further believe that Jesus is our Healer, and that by His stripes, we are already healed.
- Tithes and offerings should be freely given to your local church.
- That the local church is the place of membership where God has called you to receive His Word on a consistent basis and to grow spiritually.
- In giving alms to the poor, sick, homeless, and others in despair.
- Biblical Equality: We believe in the Biblical equality and value of all human persons, as men, women, and children of all races were created in the image of God and are called to His service. (Gen.1:27; John 1:12; Gal.3:28; Joel 2:28, 29)
World Changers Church International Mission Statement
World Changers Church International is a global ministry that is blanketing the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to meet the needs of mankind. Our mission is to bring together the energies, talents, and abilities of people anointed for service who are capable, qualified, and motivated to operate in excellence and professionalism in a Christ-centered environment, thereby fulfilling the vision and calling of this ministry.
World Changers Church International (WCCI), headquartered in Metro Atlanta, Georgia, is a non-profit Christian organization. Highly skilled employees staff the WCCI headquarters and our fellowship churches throughout the U.S. and internationally, as well as our offices in Canada, the United Kingdom, the Republic of South Africa, Australia, the Ukraine, and India.
Through the leadership of our founders and pastors, Creflo and Taffi Dollar, we empower our staff by helping them realize their spiritual, personal, and career objectives.
True to its name, World Changers Church International is setting the standard for excellence in ministry and making a mark in the lives of billions worldwide.
We believe in the Biblical equality and value of all human persons, as men, women, and children of all races were created in the image of God and are called to His service. (Gen.1:27; John 1:12; Gal.3:28; Joel 2:28, 29)
World Changers Church International Social Media Handles and Contacts
World Changer Church International on social media is a platform for bringing you closer to the church. You can stay in touch with WCCI’s active online community as you engage with people who share your enthusiasm for Christ and stay current on World Changers Church International news, events, and spiritual insights. Keeping up with them on social media can allow you to communicate from anywhere.
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World Changers Church International Ministries, and Affiliations
WCCI has a ministry that was created with you in mind, whether you are married or single, an adult or a youngster.
- Children’s Ministry
The ministry encourages parents to teach their kids to apply the Bible to their daily lives and gives parents the peace of mind they need to leave their kids. Children’s Ministry is situated in the Chapel section of the main WCCI campus and is open during normal Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services.
- Youth Experience Ministry
The teen ministry of World Changers Church International is called World Changers Youth Experience. Our pupils are in grades 6 through 12. They promote Jesus Christ as the supreme leader of this “NOW generation,” encouraging young people to experience God’s presence in their lives.
- Radical Women’s Ministry
The goal as sisters in one Body is to see every girl mature into the upright woman that God intended her to be. The objectives are to uphold the ideals of Christ, grow in God’s love, and foster sisterhood while fostering oneness and togetherness. These objectives will be accomplished by:
- forming small groups for accountability, transparency, and encouragement
- Radical Women’s Ministry facilitates spiritual and intellectual growth Bible reading hosting educational lunches, teas, and relaxing retreats
- Improving our individual spiritual connections with God through regular gatherings and seminars
Encouraging women to take on the characteristics of Christ Teaching women to walk in wholeness—spirit, soul, and body—by the Word of God - Prestige Ministry; Prestige is a program created to support and enhance the self-worth and self-esteem of women working in the sex industry, such as prostitutes and exotic dancers, among others.
The intention is to reach out to these priceless women in a non-judgmental, embracing manner and show them the love of God. These women will get spiritual support from Prestige in the form of prayer, counseling, and mentoring. To aid them in leaving the sex industry, they also offer them useful resources like housing, chances for education and entrepreneurship, and life skills training.
In the end, the hope is to leave a lasting impression on these women’s lives by demonstrating to them the unwavering love and acceptance of Jesus Christ and by reassuring them of their value and worth to God.
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